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Empowering Young Adults

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What is an independent living program?

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What is an independent living program?

Independent living programs for young adults are designed to help young adults develop the skills they need to lead happy, successful and independent lives as they shift into adulthood. Independent living has a different meaning for each individual. For some, independent living means feeling confident enough to pursue a dream career and have an apartment; for others it means being able to live away from their parents. 


Independent living programs for young adults provide housing, on-site mentorship and life skills programming to help young adults develop lasting and healthy habits. Some independent living skills young adults learn may include:


  • Meal Planning

  • Time Management 

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Business Development

  • Budgeting 

  • Health and Hygiene 

  • Financial Literacy

  • Public Transportation 

  • Self-Care


The goal of an independent living program is to enable young adults to lead successful and well-balanced lives upon completion. Young adults in our program will work with vetted and trusted professionals to develop these skills. Our team helps young adults understand what healthy relationships look like through their authentic and compassionate support. 

Staff Meeting

Highly Qualified Staff

Our staff has over 20 years of experience in childhood education, social work, finance, entrepreneurship, and counseling. With expertise in different areas, we are able to come together and come up with a strong plan for each young adult in the program. 

Engineering Class

Unique support based on each individuals' needs

K.A. Solutions monitors the progress and success of each individual through hands-on coaching and training. Each individual is given a specific plan to cater to their needs.


Success Rate

Every individual that successfully completes our program will have taken on a trade, enrolled in a secondary education program, started a business and/or learned the importance of real estate investing. 

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Empower Our Young Adults

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